Der Scherz (Susanna Roth translation)
- Sort Name
- Scherz, Der
- Type
- Novel
- Language
- German
- Ratings
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The Joke (Czech: Žert) is Milan Kundera's first novel, originally published in 1967. It describes how a student's private joke derails his life, and the entwined stories of his lovers and friends grappling with the shifting roles of folk traditions and religion under Communist Czechoslovakia.
- Der Scherz(Susanna Roth translation) is a translation of Žert
- Der Scherz(Susanna Roth translation) was written by Milan Kundera
- Der Scherz(Susanna Roth translation) was translated by Susanna Roth(Swiss translator)
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- Last Modified
- 2024-03-02