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Revision IDUserNoteDate
#96015CatQuest, the Endeavouring Cat!
languages should have their own series also removed things that are "part of Harry Potter universe" but not part of "*The* Harry Potter Series" Likewise removed cursed child because it is a) a play b) it isn't part of the *original* series these all could possibly instead be part of a bigger "HP Universe" type series with a new type: a bigger scope "'verse" type (relevant )CatQuest, the Endeavouring Cat!
2022-06-13 15:42:14
#88471Erinyes2022-04-01 10:13:51
#19683AgathaCrustie2020-08-10 15:09:46
#13895CatQuest, the Endeavouring Cat!2020-05-26 18:29:29
#13894CatQuest, the Endeavouring Cat!2020-05-26 18:28:12
Mentor at GCI requested to change the language to 'English'.PCGamingGuru
2018-01-01 06:48:39
#7595PCGamingGuru2017-12-30 07:39:47
#7178Rishikesh G Kulkarni
The first thing that jumped out to me when I first picked the book was that it was in the form of a script which made it a little akward to read but noless this is a really interesting book for all harry Potter fans. Rishikesh G Kulkarni
2017-12-22 07:08:08
#7016Rishikesh G Kulkarni
the first thing that jumped out to me when I first picked the book was that it was in the form of a script which made it a little awkard to read but noless this is a really interesting book for all harry Potter fans.Rishikesh G Kulkarni
2017-12-20 13:04:06