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Looked up spelling and capitalization of the original work from table of contents and copyright page of a 1948 edition of "Under a Glass Bell and Other Stories": Note that the spelling is different on the copyright page (but the missing 's' in 'des' is a typo in french. Since the title is a quote from surrealist poet Artaud, one can surmise the typo is not intended. Conversely, in french the proper spelling would be 'Surréalistes' but in most instances I have found the english word 'Surrealists' is used instead. Similarly, english title capitalization is used.Monkey
2020-11-19 13:04:17
Information from a personal copy of the collection la-azazel
2020-08-20 19:13:35
Basic information from a personal copy of the collection Under a glass bell and other stories; while the title is in French, the story is in Englishla-azazel
2020-08-20 18:57:27