Revision #89490
مجلة الحداثة: عوامل استمرارية الجماعات الدينية وظاهرة العنف في مجتمع طائفي – صيف/خريف 2021(d8aaf859-b0c1-401a-b9e3-6df1cda7a5a5)
Alias 0 -> Sort Name | “Al- Hadatha journal: Factors for the Persistence of Religious Groups and the Phenomenon of Violence in a Sectarian Society - Summer/Autumn 2021 | Al- Hadatha journal: Factors for the Persistence of Religious Groups and the Phenomenon of Violence in a Sectarian Society - Summer/Autumn 2021 |
Created by Kamsal, 2022-04-04 20:01:14
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