Revision #164314
Polesotechnic League(566733f5-a9d5-43b9-8430-7685ed775d03)
Relationship: Work Series | — | a41357da-7eeb-49d8-a4f5-d18e8d727f3c position: null number: 4 |
Nicholas Van Rijn(a099af7f-f599-44a3-b7de-8f10a7558d36)
Relationship: Work Series | — | a41357da-7eeb-49d8-a4f5-d18e8d727f3c position: null number: null |
Satan's World(a41357da-7eeb-49d8-a4f5-d18e8d727f3c)
Annotation | Science fiction novel first serialized in four parts in a censored version in Analog Science Fiction -> Science Fact, from May to August 1968. The text was restored and published in book form in 1969. It is part of the Nicholas Van Rijn series. | Science fiction novel first serialized in four parts in a censored version in Analog Science Fiction -> Science Fact, from May to August 1968. The text was restored and published in book form in 1969. |
Identifiers | — | LibraryThing Work: 182795 |
Relationship : Work Series | — | 566733f5-a9d5-43b9-8430-7685ed775d03 number: 4 position: null |
Relationship : Work Series | — | a099af7f-f599-44a3-b7de-8f10a7558d36 number: null position: null |
Created by indy133, 2023-12-16 13:20:59
Revision Notes
No revision notes present