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Author-Edition relationship types

  • IllustratorAuthorAuthor illustrated Edition Edition

    Indicates that a creator was the person responsible for illustrating an edition.

    • EditorAuthorAuthor edited Edition Edition

      Indicates that a creator was the person responsible for editing a work to create an edition.

      • ProofreaderAuthorAuthor proofread Edition Edition

        Indicates that a creator was the person responsible for proofreading an edition.

        • CompilerAuthorAuthor compiled Edition Edition

          Indicates that a creator was the person responsible for compiling an edition (for example, an anthology).

          • DesignerAuthorAuthor designed Edition Edition

            Indicates that a creator was the person responsible for designing some aspect of an edition.

            • TypsetterAuthorAuthor typeset Edition Edition

              Indicates that a creator was the person responsible for typesetting an edition.

              • PhotographerAuthorAuthor provided photography for Edition Edition

                Indicates that a creator provided photography for an edition.

                • BlurbAuthorAuthor wrote blurb for Edition Edition

                  Indicates that a creator wrote the blurb for an edition.

                  • Art DirectorAuthorAuthor was the art director for Edition Edition

                    Indicates that a creator provided art direction for an edition.